Developed a React web app that enables users to sign in with Google and create image-based posts.
Implemented user search functionality to explore other users' posts. Uses Firebase.
Optimizing slope and y-intercept of a linear function to fit a dataset with a linear correlation
Using fundamental calculus concepts, I utilize the gradient descent operation to predict patterns in data from sample points.
Blue pints are given data points. Red points are estimated by the neural network.
No AI Libraries used... just NumPy.
Developed an OpenCV application that uses HoughLines to approximate borders of lanes.
Drivable area is shown in the green region.
Created an immersive city exploration game using Java.
Implemented realistic physics simulations for gravity and collision.
Designed and programmed interactive components, including walking/running legs, JetPack flight, cars, functional weapons, and an Iron-Man-inspired flying suit with projectile capabilities.